2024 Year in Review

A year of transformation

Buckhead Church Family,

When I think back on 2024, I’m reminded of the transformation that took place in our ministry areas and, more importantly, in the lives of so many individuals within our church community. We continued to experience incredible growth in engagement by both Millennials and Gen Z attendees, which gets me excited about the future of our church!

We have compiled an annual report to show the impact you have made as a partner in the mission and vision of Buckhead Church. Each number represents an individual whose life was positively impacted, and in some cases transformed, because of your generosity, your service, your participation, and your prayers.

Thank you for truly being the church where you live, work, and play. You are Buckhead Church.

Joel Thomas
Lead Pastor

Make an investment to fuel more transformation in 2025.

First-Time Guests

Over 2,200 adults and children attended one of our Sunday morning environments for the first time.


College Students Attended The Living Room for the First Time


“I grew up in a religious home; I always knew God existed, but went to church out of obligation. I spent my childhood following the ‘rules.’ Many years later, as a grown woman, I heard for the first time that God was kind and Jesus died because he loves me. I joined a Community Group, started studying the Bible, and now I want to know more! I’m trying to be, as Andy says, a ‘Jesus follower’ rather than a ‘Christian.’ I [got baptized] because it is my grown-up decision to live my life following Jesus.”


207 adults and 78 children and students went public with their faith through baptism.

What does a mission-focused, outward-facing, faith-shaping, generation-building, and difference-making church look like? It looks like you!

Nearly 6,000 adults, Children and students attend in person or watch online Each Week.

Beyond SUnday

Middle School and High School Students Attended Camp


Parents and Kids Participated in KidStuf


Parents and Kids Attended Playhouse Family Show


Group ParticIpation


Adults Participated in Community Groups


Adults Joined a Group for the First Time


College Students Participated in a TLR Group

Personal Ministry



Adults and Students Participated on a Volunteer Team

Participants Volunteered to Serve with our Nonprofit Partners through Be Rich


Backpacks Donated by Students
to Atlanta Mission


Adults and Students Participated
Collectively in a global(×) Journey



Diapers Distributed to Three Non-Profit Partners Serving Children and Families in Need


Households Gave Financially


Nonprofit Partners Supported Through Be Rich


Donated Collectively to Nonprofit Partners Through Be Rich

“Before I knew Jesus, I was blind, but now I see.”

– Payton

Payton was one of 94 students baptized at TLR, our Buckhead Church college ministry, on October 14. Payton is legally blind and understands the importance of choosing to walk with the Lord, as opposed to living for a world of sin.

“This baptism is more than a public declaration of my love for Jesus. This marks the most important moment in my life! I chose TLR to perform my baptism because I want the whole world to know that I CHOOSE CHRIST!”

Save the Date!

Buckhead Church Vision Night

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Stay tuned for more details.